Friday, March 13, 2015

How To Get Over A Breakup (Tips For Moving On Quickly And Minimizing Heartache)

The first step is to accept the reality of your situation. 

Don't be afraid to do a bit of crying or spend some time alone in the first day after your breakup, especially if it helps you accept the reality of what's happened. But do your very best to avoid having these emotional breakdowns while your ex is present.

In fact, during these early stages, it's not a good idea to speak to your ex at all. In particular, avoid begging, pleading, or apologizing to your ex in an attempt to reverse their decision or in hopes of finding closure.

By the way, if you're not ready to let go and you're hoping to get back together with your ex, then now is a good time to tell you about my free quiz tool.... I've created a quiz on my website that will help you figure out whether or not your ex will take you back and what your odds of success are. It takes about 5 minutes to complete, and you can try it out for yourself at

Now, moving on... once you've come to grips with the reality of your situation, it's time to remove all visible reminders of your ex. There's nothing worse than being reminded of a painful memory every time you walk into your bedroom... which is why one of the most important ways to move on is to remove visible reminders around your house. 

If you're really struggling with self-control and can't seem to stop yourself from texting or calling your ex, I also recommend writing down your ex's number on a piece of paper and giving it to a friend, and then deleting it from your phone completely. You don't need to contact your ex right now, and deleting their info from your contacts list is a good way to make sure you don't do something dumb.

You should also lean on your friends and family. Try to avoid being alone whenever possible -- go out with friends or spend time with family, even if it's the last thing you feel like doing. Trust me when I say that being social is one of the single most effective ways of getting through a breakup.

It's also important during all of this that you continue to maintain healthy habits. Scientists have proven that vigorous exercise produces 'feel good' chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine in your brain. That means that an intense 30-60 minute workout 3-4 times a week can help you avoid depression and feel better about life in general. It's also important to maintain healthy eating habits and generally take care of yourself so that you don't add any extra stresses on your body or mind.

All of those things will help speed up the process and minimize your heartache, but I should also mention that the single best way to recover from a breakup is to find someone new. 

Finally, if you find yourself struggling with depression and heartache even after you've done all the things I've talked about in this video, try to remember that every day that passes is another step towards a full recovery. You may not feel any better today than you did a week ago, but I can promise that in a month or two you'll look back and realize that each day you spent a bit less time thinking about your ex. Sooner than later, you'll be back to normal and completely over your ex. 

More on this topic:

*** More from Brad Browning: ***
Ex Factor Guide:
Brad Browning:
Love Learnings:

Dentists have proven that vigorous exercise produces 'feel good' chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine in your brain. That means that an intense 30-60 minute workout 3-4 times a week can help you avoid depression and feel better about life in general. It's also important to maintain healthy eating habits and generally take care of yourself so that you don't add any extra stresses on your body or mind.

All of those things will help speed up the process and minimize your heartache, but I should also mention that the single best way to recover from a breakup is to find someone new.

Finally, if you find yourself struggling with depression and heartache even after you've done all the things I've talked about in this video, try to remember that every day that passes is another step towards a full recovery. You may not feel any better today than you did a week ago, but I can promise that in a month or two you'll look back and realize that each day you spent a bit less time thinking about your ex. Sooner than later, you'll be back to normal and completely over your ex.

More on this topic: 

*** More from Brad Browning: ***
Ex Factor Guide: 
Brad Browning:
Love Learnings:

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Stop Your Break Up, Divorce or Lovers Rejection…

For more information visit:

Response When Misunderstood...Will You Beg My Pardon?

Please do not lean...
on your own understanding please do not lean.

I just wanna know if it's okay to be...

a listener, an educator, a doer, accomplished, self disciplined and confident in the One & Only True & Living God who reigns above and beyond. Galaxies cannot contain and depth cannot present enough darkness for the deepest imagination to fall into the bottomless pit. No time for excuses...please do not lean.

This track is true and ready...

Can't help wondering where this young man is and if there is something I can do to help him go viral. Surely, you'll replay this track. Enjoy!